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Three key questions investors need to ask to deal with COVID-19

MAPFRE AM the asset management arm of Spain’s largest insurance company is advising investors to ask themselves three key questions during the current economic crisis, what is the time horizon of my investments? What is my risk tolerance? And how much money am I willing to lose?

MAPFRE AM Managing Director Javier Lendines stressed that despite the severity of this crisis, the economy has healthy foundations to recover, so now is the time to buy equities as long as investors are prepared to commit for at least a medium term (between five to ten years).

He said “The first thing I would advise is to build a macroeconomic scenario for the coming quarters and then to ask yourself as an investor: What is the time horizon of my investments? what is my risk tolerance? And how much money am I willing to lose?”

“As a manager I think there are as many portfolios as clients, but for those considering investing in a medium-term horizon I offer the following observations:

While official rates are likely to remain at low levels for the foreseeable future, I would avoid high-term fixed income investments because, in the face of an increase in asset market returns, the price of assets tends to react to the downside. The reasons why fixed income assets are expected to behave poorly over the next few years are as follows:

Fixed Income

The public debt interest rates of the major Euro area economies are close to historic lows. The expected increases in public deficits (unemployment subsidies and lower tax revenues) imply greater funding needs by governments, so the supply of public debt will be increased by lowering its price.

Private Fixed Income

Regarding private fixed income investments, deteriorating credit quality, rising bankruptcies and higher financing costs mean they are generally an asset to be reduced in portfolios. Only the deep knowledge of issuers, prioritizing under-indebted companies and reduced exposure to the cycle could justify investing in certain issuers.


After a fall from the year highs of more than 40%, if the investor's time horizon is medium-term, then current levels are attractive to take positions in the market.

While we don’t know what the outcome of this year will bring, the homogeneous behaviour of indices and sectors is in question. In recent years, a technological revolution has caused certain companies to adapt and implement changes in how they do business, and these are the companies which will receive a greater revaluation in the markets”, said Lendines.

Notes to editors

MAPFRE AM Is the group's fund management company in Spain. Its philosophy is to combine the creation of Long value Term value with capital protection. Its main strengths are in equities, European fixed income and asset allocation.

MAPFRE Is a global insurer with a presence in five continents. It is a leading company in the Spanish market, the largest Spanish insurer in the world, the third largest Insurance Group in Latin America and is in the Top 10 in Europe by volume of premiums. MAPFRE has more than 35,000 employees and in 2018, its income approached €27bn and its net profit was €529m.

Issued by:

Sam Shelton

Fortuna Asset Management Communications

Tel: 07540 336998



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